Periodismo de la nueva era

miércoles, 7 de enero de 2009

Dan libertad a manifestantes en Oaxaca

Alert: mass arrests in Oaxaca

At noon today, Saturday January 3, 2009,

more than 20 comrades were arrested in a peaceful march to the United States Consulate in Oaxaca, in repudiation of the genocide perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people. According to information received, the arrests occurred as demonstrators were en route to the Consulate, located in the Santo Domingo de Guzmán area of the city of Oaxaca.

Without mincing words, the police forces attacked them with extreme violence that was totally unjustified when the march had barely begun. At first, those arrested were taken to the Metropolitana, and it would seem that they were later transferred to San Bartolo Teontepec. Among those arrested are: Alebrije, Chucho, Cosme, Monty, Emo, Lallanta, Gabi, and two comrades from Chiapas whose names we don’t yet know. We’re still waiting to receive the complete list of the people arrested.

The undersigned collectives and spaces fear for the treatment that our comrades are now receiving and state that the politician ultimately responsible for these arrests, as well as any act of sexual torture or attempt against the physical and psychic integrity that these comrades may be subjected to, is Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. We call on all social organizations, news media, and the peoples of Oaxaca, México, and the national and international civil society to stay on the alert for incoming news and to act so that the impunity that enjoyed by the government will not be silenced, demanding the immediate and unconditional release of all people arrested.

Immediate and unconditional freedom for the people arrested outside the United States Consulate in Oaxaca Freedom for all political prisoners of Oaxaca, México and the world And end to Israel’s genocide against the Palestinian people An end to the invasion of Gaza. Israeli army out of Palestine Undersigned collectives and spaces:• VOCAL,• Tod@s Somos Pres@s,• CASOTA,• Brigadas 94,• Dignidad Rebelde,• Colectivo La Voz del Cenzotle. Forwarded--CGT

Free the people arrested in Oaxaca
San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, January 3, 2008
Immediate freedom for Oaxacan comrades Hours after their arrest, all the Oaxacan comrades were freed. This is the manifesto demanding their release: Today around 1:00 pm there was a march in solidarity with the people of Palestine in the city of Oaxaca that ended with a demonstration at the U. S. Consulate across from the old Santo Domingo convent, where there a wedding of one of the city’s wealthiest families was going on.
A detachment of municipal, state, and federal police appeared to repress the demonstration, and approximately 21 comrades were arrested from several different organizations and collectives participating in the social movement in Oaxaca and in the APPO and held in the San Bartolo Coyotepec prison.
The names of the arrested comrades are:Ángel Luna Cosme, Gabriela de la Luz Jiménez, Ángel Bautista, Perla Yadira Santiago, Jorge Iván Reyes Martínez, Julio Hernández, Erick Margarito Santiago, Cesar Rogelio Carrillo, Gustavo García, José Luis Pérez Mendoza, Efraín López Vásquez, Jesús Hernández Delgado, Octavio Martínez Pacheco, Jaciel Sánchez, Andrés Ramírez, Mauricio Uribe y Humberto Robles Ríos, as well as two comrades from Chiapas, among others. They belong to the following collectives:Brigada Indígena, Dignidad rebelde, Todos somos presos, VOCAL, CASOTA, LA Voz del Zenzontle, some of which belong to the APPO.As this outrageous incident shows, the non-governments of Ulises Ruíz Ortiz and Felipe Calderón, continue to intensify the repressive methods against organizations and the social movement in an effort to stop the people from reorganizing and becoming stronger and from exercising our legitimate right to freely demonstrate and express ourselves.
From the World Festival of Dignified Rage, we the undersigned demand the immediate freedom of the people arrested and all the political prisoners of Oaxaca, as well as an immediate end to the repression of the Oaxacan social movement. Immediate unconditional freedom for all those arrested at the United States Consulate in Oaxaca! Freedom for all political prisoners of Oaxaca, Mexico, and the world.Stop Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people! Stop the invasion of Gaza! Israeli army out of Palestine! 5 hours after this communiqué was written and signed by the following collectives, organizations, and individuals, our comrades in Oaxaca were released, thanks to the mobilization of the people of Oaxaca, the support of the teachers, and the undersigned groups. Thanks to one and all.
Jornada Internacional Contra la ocupación Israelí en Palestina
En contra de la ocupación ilegal
perpetrada por el estado de Israel y apoyada por USA en los territorios palestinos.
En contra del genocidio que Israel lleva a acabo con su operación “Plomo Endurecido” que hasta al momento ha dejado más de 500 muertos y 1300 heridos.
Por la autodeterminación de los Palestinos
Viva Palestina Libre!!! ¡¡Paremos el genocidio!!

Sábado 10 de enero 14:00hrs Frente a la embajada gringa
España –Gales – Escocia – USA – Portugal – Holanda – México – Irlanda – Afganistán – Austria –Francia – Inglaterra – Canadá – Bangladesh – Chile

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